The Chairman,Mt Kulal Community Forest Association (KCFA) P.O. Box 354-60500, Marsabit +254724222419 mtkulalcfa@gmail.com

Our Programmes

Our Vision

Mt. Kulal Forest ecosystem (core zone) and surrounding supporting environment (buffer zone) to be managed sustainably so as to continue providing goods and services to the local residents and for posterity, while conserving biodiversity, generating knowledge, being a culture hub and a place to visit and enjoy.

Conservation of biodiversity

The Community with support of UN-FAO, NMK, and Marsabit County have made huge effort to conserve the forest and related ecosystem

Local Resources Sustainability

The community with key stakeholders is doing alot to ensure that local natural resources are sustained for posterity

Culture and Eco-tourism

The Kulal is blessed with so many planetory Eco-tourism opportunitities. The moment you arrive to Gatab Town center you will be hosted by Shukri Lasapicho who is the lead tour guide. There are also camps in the town that one can spend. Then you will get to spectacular hiking adventure up the Mountain forest and then down the ridges and canyons. During the hiking you will enjoy a range of the beautiful flora and fauna of Kulal

Research and Education

Kulal forest is a home of thousands of tree, herbs , shrubs species that are medicinal. It has so much to offer for those interested with ecological , agroforestry , herbal medicine research


The Community Voices!!!